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Showing posts from February, 2010

Garbage Collection, [Soft]References, Finalizers and the Memory Model (Part 2)

In which I ramble on at greater length about finalizers and multithreading, as well as applying that discussion to SoftReferences . Read Part 1 first . It explains why finalizers are more multithreaded than you think, and why they, like all multithreaded code, aren't necessarily going to do what you think they should do. I mentioned in the last entry that a co-worker asked me a question about when objects are allowed to be collected. My questioner had been arguing with his colleagues about the following example: Object f() { Object o = new Object(); SoftReference<Object> ref = new SoftReference<Object>(o); return ref.get(); } He wanted to know whether f() was guaranteed to return o , or whether the new Object could be collected before f() returned. The principle he was operating under was that because the object reference was still on the stack, the object would not be collected. Those of you who read the last entry will know better, of course. To put it in