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Showing posts from November, 2008

What Volatile Means in Java

Today, I'm going to talk about what volatile means in Java. I've sort-of covered this in other posts, such as my posting on the ++ operator , my post on double-checked locking and the like, but I've never really addressed it directly. First, you have to understand a little something about the Java memory model. I've struggled a bit over the years to explain it briefly and well. As of today, the best way I can think of to describe it is if you imagine it this way: Each thread in Java takes place in a separate memory space (this is clearly untrue, so bear with me on this one). You need to use special mechanisms to guarantee that communication happens between these threads, as you would on a message passing system. Memory writes that happen in one thread can "leak through" and be seen by another thread, but this is by no means guaranteed. Without explicit communication, you can't guarantee which writes get seen by other threads, or even the order in whic

G1 Garbage Collector in Latest OpenJDK Drop

ETA: The G1 collector is now in the latest JDK6 release, which you can download from Sun here . You can enable it for testing with the flags -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC . Original post follows. For those of you who are interested in tinkering with new garbage collectors, the "Garbage-first" G1 garbage collector is in the new JDK7 drop from OpenJDK . I haven't tried it yet, but I am looking forward to seeing what it does. (You will notice the link doesn't say anything about the new GC. Here's the appropriate bug .) G1 is supposed to provide a dramatic improvement on existing GCs. There was a rather good talk about it at this year's JavaOne. It allows the user to provide pause time goals, both in terms of actual seconds and in terms of percentage of runtime. The principle is simple: the collector splits the heap up into fixed-size regions and tracks the live data in those regions. It keeps a set of pointers — the "remembered set&