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Showing posts from October, 2008

A Brief Digression into Politics

A plea for you to vote "No" on CA Proposition 8, and maintain the rights of same-sex couples in California. I really hate using this blog as a political forum. I have a personal blog I use for that, read only by people who know me. This blog should be expressly for computer-related topics. I apologize to readers expecting me to talk about concurrency or APIs or anything else. I apologize to readers who don't like to see discussion of this issue, or to those who have a problem with the way I handle it. Today's post is just for the California voters. On November 4th, we are going to be asked to vote on Proposition 8, which is only 14 words long: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Please vote no on this proposition, and keep California safe for families of all kinds. A lot of you might wonder why a heterosexual who only blogs about software engineering and computer science might feel compelled to write about t